Experience Regional Art
ARTneo collects, preserves, and explores our significant visual art from Northeast Ohio artists. Located at the 78th Street Studios in the historic Gordon Square district in Cleveland, the museum interprets and shares the rich artistic heritage of the region of both past and present artists through innovative exhibitions, educational programming and a celebrated publication portfolio.
Wednesday, 12:00pm – 4:30pm
Thursday, 12:00pm – 4:30pm
Friday, 12:00pm – 4:30pm
Third Fridays, 12:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday, 12:00pm – 4:30pm
To schedule a private appointment email us at [email protected] or by calling us at 216-227-9507
We look forward to seeing you!
ARTneo, formerly known as the Cleveland Artists Foundation (CAF) from 1900-1950, was founded in 1984 by Cleveland-based artists, patrons, and collectors who recognized the need to establish an organization that would preserve, research, collect and exhibit significant visual art of Northeast Ohio.
At the heart of ARTneo’s mission is a collection of more than 3,000 paintings, prints, ceramics and sculptures. As the Cleveland Artist Foundation, the organization’s mission historically focused on a group of artists known as the “Cleveland School” which was active from 1900-1950. For the past 25 years, ARTneo has broadened its historical scope to integrate the contributions of artists who were active before and since the “Cleveland School.” Our focus now is the achievements of the most signification artists in Northeast Ohio whose period of productivity encompasses the past fifty years up to the current moment.
Due to our expanded scope, ARTneo has transformed into the premier center for the art of Northeast Ohio, owing to both its significant collecting initiative and its commitment to creative exhibition planning and educational outreach. It is the only museum that caters exclusively to the acquisition of regional art, while not charging an admission fee. The museum is supported through in-kind contributions and donations from individuals, foundations, and corporations, and through state funding, membership and fundraisers.
April 19 – July 22, 2024
In the 1920s, a group of Cleveland artists, eschewing the bleakness of the surrounding industrial landscape and the conventional morality of the Midwest, embraced the radical artistic concepts of the day and put forward a new modern view for American art. The self-styled “salon” of William Sommer, William Lescaze, Hart Crane, and Richard Rychtarik lasted only a few years, but its influence had a profound impact, bringing the modern in painting, poetry, theater, and architecture not only to Cleveland but to the nation at large. These artists had initially been criticized, their work dismissed, and their efforts unsupported by the critics and galleries of the established art world. And yet their writings, their paintings, and their designs continue to endure. Each man put forward a new modern view for American art and each had a transformative influence on the American cultural landscape.

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